Join the Homesteading Mastermind
Building a sustainable homestead can be difficult!
Setbacks, miscalculations, unforeseen costs, burn out and bad weather are just a few difficulties that can happen when trying to turn land into a dream project.
I’m Andrew Shindyapin, the founder of AutoMicroFarm. For the last eight years, I have been working on AutoMicroFarm, which started with a question: is it possible to grow the majority of the food you and your family needs in your backyard? Can you do so in a regular-sized backyard, in just a few hours a week, while raising the food sustainably?
The question led me on quite an adventure! In fact, my own backyard has not only aquaponics, but also a food forest, conventional raised bed gardens, a compost box, and outdoor mushroom beds. I was, and still, am, interested in adding a chicken tractor and beehives to the mix.
Looking back, the journey would have been much more fun if I had a community of homesteaders to bounce off ideas and plans, and learn from experience; deeper than what you have on discussion forums.
Here is the format and details of the mastermind group:
- Private community group for chatting and sharing (using Slack as the application).
- Weekly video calls (using Zoom as the video application).
- Monthly themes, topics, or homesteading / gardening book discussions.
Sound interesting? Please sign up below.